
Showing posts from September, 2019


Importance of Arnis     As an arnisador (practitioner of arnis), it gives me joy to see other people getting interested in the Philippines’ National Martial Art and Sport, as declared by Republic Act No. 9850. Not because they have joined me in the bandwagon but because we are now one in the desire to practice and propagate arnis. As a form of self-defense, we all want to make ourselves prepared against attack and aggression. As a means of maintaining good health, arnis forms part of our physical fitness regimen. With regular training, an arnisador refines his skills and techniques. These, coupled with the desire to maintain peace inside and outside his home, give him the intelligence to determine imminent danger and the courage to confront attack and abuse. 12 Striking Techniques in Arnis – Basic #1 - Left side of the head attack From the  fighting stance , the warrior will hold the stick with one hand at 1 o’clock. He will then move the stick in a s...